About Us

We are a Church of England congregation in the Diocese of Chester seeking to follow Jesus Christ and serve our parish of Ashton Hayes and Mouldsworth.
The style of worship at our 10.30am main morning service is relaxed and we welcome everyone into our midst. Here is the full list of our service times.
This website describes who we are and what we do. But the best way to find out about our church is to join us on Sundays – we look forward to meeting you!
Our church building is also available for hire by local community groups for social events, concerts, drama productions etc. Booking details are available here.
As a church we take our safeguarding responsibilities extremely seriously, and we have adopted the national Church of England’s robust safeguarding procedures and guidelines. If you or anyone you are in contact with would like to talk with someone independently, please contact the Safe Spaces helpline on 0300 303 1056 or by email. Alternatively, you may contact our Chester Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser, Sean Augustin via email or phone 07704 338885. Our own Parish Safeguarding Representative is Margaret Papworth (07803 242783). Our parish policy on Domestic Abuse can also be found here, including details of support services that are available.
Latest News

Details of forthcoming services and events at St.John’s are available this website, including our latest sermon series in 1 Corinthians, plus our next All Age Cafe, Messy Church, Family Quiz Night, and Wine Tasting Evening.
Our Vicar

Phil Weston has been Vicar of St. John’s since September 2018.
Phil joined us from St Michael’s Gidea Park in Essex, where he was vicar for the previous five years. As well as ministering at St John’s, Phil teaches at Emmanuel Theological College for three days each week. He is married to Helen and they have three children.
Phil’s first book, Introducing Analytic Theology, is published by SCM Press.
Would you be willing to make a donation towards the work and ministry of St John’s?
It costs over £1000 per week to maintain our church, its churchyard and our ministry in this parish. Moreover, due to rising energy prices, this cost is likely to rise over the coming months. Would you please consider making a donation to help support the work of our church in these difficult times. Every pound received will help to ensure that our church can continue as a focal point for fellowship and a valuable resource for our local community. If you are a taxpayer, Gift Aiding your donation will add a further 25p for every £1 in your gift.