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Q:   Funding for the Church Development. How are we doing?

A:    Pretty well, for a start.

Before appealing to the wider community, we raised around £83,000 from the Church Members, and other sources available to the church. Since we sent out our brochure and appeal, you have contributed a further £57,000+ to our funds, making the great total in excess of £140.000.

Q:        What is our target?

A:         The total cost of the project is going to be in excess of £330,000.

We shall be approaching the major funders for the major part of this. HOWEVER, in assessing our application, the major funders will look hard at how much we have raised ourselves, to measure our commitment, and, in some cases, to match the funds we have raised. We believe that we need £100,000 in the bank and promised, to show our determination to make the project succeed.

Q:        So, what do we need to do this?

A:         We need another £10,000!

If you have been thinking about it but not yet contributed, or if you feel that you can contribute some more for our great cause, PLEASE HELP US BY FILLING IN THE FORM AND CONTRIBUTING TO MODERNISE OUR CHURCH TO BRING IT INTO THE COMMUNITY!

Q:        Have you lost the form?

A:         Just telephone Barbara Craven on 01829 751338 for a copy or print one here.