Signs of Spring and new beginnings.
A baby rabbit has taken up residence on the back lawn of the vicarage over the past couple of weeks. It must be spring! A good time to start looking ahead in our church life.
On Sunday, 24th April we hold our Annual Meeting in Church after the 10.30 service. At this meeting we elect two Churchwardens to serve for the coming year: this part of the meeting is open to anyone who lives in our parish or is on our electoral roll. Churchwardens have a key role in our church life and it is important that we choose the right people. The rest of the meeting is for those on our Electoral Roll. In it, we approve our accounts for 2015, elect new members for our Parochial Church Council, review the activities of the past year and look forward to the year ahead. We encourage everyone on the Electoral Roll to be there.
I am also pleased to report that this month Paul Stevenson, a member of St John the Evangelist Church in Sandiway, is joining our staff team for the start of a four months’ placement. This is part of his training to be a Reader (that is a lay minster) in his home church. I hope that you will see him around the Parish and that he enjoys his time with us.
Many thanks to everyone who brought Easter Eggs to Church for the children helped by Save The Family, the local charity for homeless families. We are very grateful to parishioners and employees of Inovyn for their generosity.
Do not worry …
Our lives are made up of our thoughts, feelings and behaviour and at any one time of the day, we may be thinking, feeling and doing all at once!
The ability to think back about the past and to think of the future means that, amongst other things, we can reminisce about good times and look forward to forthcoming events. However, this ability to visualise is not always an advantage. Too often, our thoughts can trap us; anger and guilt can keep us in the past, worry and anxiety hold us captive when we think of the future. But the past has gone and the future isn’t here yet.
Jesus said,
“Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow [or yesterday] for each day has enough trouble of its own.”
Living totally without worry, for many people, is as impossible as living totally without breathing. Some people are so hooked on worry that, if they haven’t got something to worry about, they worry that they have forgotten something. When Jesus tells us not to worry about what we should eat, drink or wear or what will happen to us in the future, he doesn’t mean that those things don’t matter. But his words of wisdom ring true. Worry achieves nothing and is destructive. It is far better to tackle issues if they occur rather than imagine the 1000 problems which never materialise.
If you are worried or concerned, don’t keep it to yourself, speak to someone you can trust because often, talking can take those worries away before they begin to weigh you down.