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Lent Studies 2016

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The 2016 Lent Studies series will take place in the Vicarage beginning on Monday, 8th February. The aim this year is to have a close look at the Lord’s Prayer. (The studies will also tie in with the sermons at our 10.30am services.)

Monday, 8th February — “Our Father”
Monday, 15th February — “Hallowed be your name”
Monday, 22nd February — “Your kingdom come”
Monday, 29th February — “Our daily bread”
Monday, 7th March — “Forgive us our sins”
Final date to be decided — “Lead us not into temptation”

Each study will begin at 7.30pm and last for about an hour with time for tea, coffee and an informal chat afterwards. Bring your own Bible if you have one.

Everyone is welcome — you don’t have to be an expert to join in.

If you would like to take part please let David know in advance (T: 01829 751440 or E:

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